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Install locally and run the tests¤

Start by forking the project by clicking the Fork button up in the right corner in the GitHub. This makes a copy of the repository in your own name. Now you can clone this repository locally and start adding features:

git clone<your GitHub username>/django-components.git
cd django-components

To quickly run the tests install the local dependencies by running:

pip install -r requirements-dev.txt

You also have to install this local django-components version. Use -e for editable mode so you don't have to re-install after every change:

pip install -e .

Now you can run the tests to make sure everything works as expected:


The library is also tested across many versions of Python and Django. To run tests that way:

pyenv install -s 3.8
pyenv install -s 3.9
pyenv install -s 3.10
pyenv install -s 3.11
pyenv install -s 3.12
pyenv install -s 3.13
pyenv local 3.8 3.9 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13
tox -p

To run tests for a specific Python version, use:

tox -e py38

NOTE: See the available environments in tox.ini.

And to run only linters, use:

tox -e mypy,flake8,isort,black

Running Playwright tests¤

We use Playwright for end-to-end tests. You will therefore need to install Playwright to be able to run these tests.

Luckily, Playwright makes it very easy:

pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
playwright install chromium --with-deps

After Playwright is ready, simply run the tests with tox:


Developing against live Django app¤

How do you check that your changes to django-components project will work in an actual Django project?

Use the sampleproject demo project to validate the changes:

  1. Navigate to sampleproject directory:

    cd sampleproject
  2. Install dependencies from the requirements.txt file:

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Link to your local version of django-components:

    pip install -e ..


    The path to the local version (in this case ..) must point to the directory that has the file.

  4. Start Django server

    python runserver

Once the server is up, it should be available at

To display individual components, add them to the, like in the case of

Building JS code¤

django_components uses a bit of JS code to:

  • Manage the loading of JS and CSS files used by the components
  • Allow to pass data from Python to JS

When you make changes to this JS code, you also need to compile it:

  1. Make sure you are inside src/django_components_js:

    cd src/django_components_js
  2. Install the JS dependencies

    npm install
  3. Compile the JS/TS code:


    The script will combine all JS/TS code into a single .js file, minify it, and copy it to django_components/static/django_components/django_components.min.js.

Packaging and publishing¤

To package the library into a distribution that can be published to PyPI, run:

# Install pypa/build
python -m pip install build --user
# Build a binary wheel and a source tarball
python -m build --sdist --wheel --outdir dist/ .

To publish the package to PyPI, use twine (See Python user guide):

twine upload --repository pypi dist/* -u __token__ -p <PyPI_TOKEN>

See the full workflow here.

Development guides¤

Head over to Dev guides for a deep dive into how django_components' features are implemented.