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Extension Hooks¤

Overview of all the extension hooks available in Django Components.

Read more on Extensions.

on_component_class_created ¤

on_component_class_created(ctx: OnComponentClassCreatedContext) -> None

See source code

Called when a new Component class is created.

This hook is called after the Component class is fully defined but before it's registered.

Use this hook to perform any initialization or validation of the Component class.


from django_components import ComponentExtension, OnComponentClassCreatedContext

class MyExtension(ComponentExtension):
    def on_component_class_created(self, ctx: OnComponentClassCreatedContext) -> None:
        # Add a new attribute to the Component class
        ctx.component_cls.my_attr = "my_value"

Available data:

name type description
component_cls Type[Component] The created Component class

on_component_class_deleted ¤

on_component_class_deleted(ctx: OnComponentClassDeletedContext) -> None

See source code

Called when a Component class is being deleted.

This hook is called before the Component class is deleted from memory.

Use this hook to perform any cleanup related to the Component class.


from django_components import ComponentExtension, OnComponentClassDeletedContext

class MyExtension(ComponentExtension):
    def on_component_class_deleted(self, ctx: OnComponentClassDeletedContext) -> None:
        # Remove Component class from the extension's cache on deletion
        self.cache.pop(ctx.component_cls, None)

Available data:

name type description
component_cls Type[Component] The to-be-deleted Component class

on_component_data ¤

on_component_data(ctx: OnComponentDataContext) -> None

See source code

Called when a Component was triggered to render, after a component's context and data methods have been processed.

This hook is called after Component.get_context_data(), Component.get_js_data() and Component.get_css_data().

This hook runs after on_component_input.

Use this hook to modify or validate the component's data before rendering.


from django_components import ComponentExtension, OnComponentDataContext

class MyExtension(ComponentExtension):
    def on_component_data(self, ctx: OnComponentDataContext) -> None:
        # Add extra template variable to all components when they are rendered
        ctx.context_data["my_template_var"] = "my_value"

Available data:

name type description
component Component The Component instance that is being rendered
component_cls Type[Component] The Component class
component_id str The unique identifier for this component instance
context_data Dict Dictionary of context data from Component.get_context_data()
css_data Dict Dictionary of CSS data from Component.get_css_data()
js_data Dict Dictionary of JavaScript data from Component.get_js_data()

on_component_input ¤

on_component_input(ctx: OnComponentInputContext) -> None

See source code

Called when a Component was triggered to render, but before a component's context and data methods are invoked.

This hook is called before Component.get_context_data(), Component.get_js_data() and Component.get_css_data().

Use this hook to modify or validate component inputs before they're processed.


from django_components import ComponentExtension, OnComponentInputContext

class MyExtension(ComponentExtension):
    def on_component_input(self, ctx: OnComponentInputContext) -> None:
        # Add extra kwarg to all components when they are rendered
        ctx.kwargs["my_input"] = "my_value"

Available data:

name type description
args List List of positional arguments passed to the component
component Component The Component instance that received the input and is being rendered
component_cls Type[Component] The Component class
component_id str The unique identifier for this component instance
context Context The Django template Context object
kwargs Dict Dictionary of keyword arguments passed to the component
slots Dict Dictionary of slot definitions

on_component_registered ¤

on_component_registered(ctx: OnComponentRegisteredContext) -> None

See source code

Called when a Component class is registered with a ComponentRegistry.

This hook is called after a Component class is successfully registered.


from django_components import ComponentExtension, OnComponentRegisteredContext

class MyExtension(ComponentExtension):
    def on_component_registered(self, ctx: OnComponentRegisteredContext) -> None:
        print(f"Component {ctx.component_cls} registered to {ctx.registry} as '{}'")

Available data:

name type description
component_cls Type[Component] The registered Component class
name str The name the component was registered under
registry ComponentRegistry The registry the component was registered to

on_component_unregistered ¤

on_component_unregistered(ctx: OnComponentUnregisteredContext) -> None

See source code

Called when a Component class is unregistered from a ComponentRegistry.

This hook is called after a Component class is removed from the registry.


from django_components import ComponentExtension, OnComponentUnregisteredContext

class MyExtension(ComponentExtension):
    def on_component_unregistered(self, ctx: OnComponentUnregisteredContext) -> None:
        print(f"Component {ctx.component_cls} unregistered from {ctx.registry} as '{}'")

Available data:

name type description
component_cls Type[Component] The unregistered Component class
name str The name the component was registered under
registry ComponentRegistry The registry the component was unregistered from

on_registry_created ¤

on_registry_created(ctx: OnRegistryCreatedContext) -> None

See source code

Called when a new ComponentRegistry is created.

This hook is called after a new ComponentRegistry instance is initialized.

Use this hook to perform any initialization needed for the registry.


from django_components import ComponentExtension, OnRegistryCreatedContext

class MyExtension(ComponentExtension):
    def on_registry_created(self, ctx: OnRegistryCreatedContext) -> None:
        # Add a new attribute to the registry
        ctx.registry.my_attr = "my_value"

Available data:

name type description
registry ComponentRegistry The created ComponentRegistry instance

on_registry_deleted ¤

on_registry_deleted(ctx: OnRegistryDeletedContext) -> None

See source code

Called when a ComponentRegistry is being deleted.

This hook is called before a ComponentRegistry instance is deleted.

Use this hook to perform any cleanup related to the registry.


from django_components import ComponentExtension, OnRegistryDeletedContext

class MyExtension(ComponentExtension):
    def on_registry_deleted(self, ctx: OnRegistryDeletedContext) -> None:
        # Remove registry from the extension's cache on deletion
        self.cache.pop(ctx.registry, None)

Available data:

name type description
registry ComponentRegistry The to-be-deleted ComponentRegistry instance